Japanese Yen ¥ |
The official legal currency of Japan is the Yen (¥ ) |
Money Exchange (Cash) |
In Hiroshima, one can exchange currency at Banks, Post Office, big hotels, the Airport or at the Fukuya department store in front of JR Hiroshima Station. In the city, Bank & Post Office currency exchange counters are available in all tourist areas. Check around for the best rate. The currency exchange counter at the Gift Certificate Counter (7th floor) at the Fukuya department store in front of JR Hiroshima Station is open on Weekends and public holidays. |
Credit cards |
Your credit card provides you with the absolute best exchange rate for purchases in Hiroshima. Please check beforehand with your bank for additional fees before you decide to use your credit card. Major credit cards including Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted in Hiroshima area establishments. |
JP bank or Seven Bank (in Seven-Eleven convenience stores) ATM machines allow cash withdrawal in local Japanese Yen ¥ using international credit cards like Visa/Plus and Mastercard/Cirrus. Please check with your bank for any additional fees for using your ATM card in a foreign country before you decide to use your ATM card. |
Traveller cheques |
Traveler's cheques are accepted by hotels, banks, and currency exchange counters in Japan. Traveler cheques may be subject to a fee. |
Tip |
Japan is still a cash society. Many places including small shops and restaurants in Japan require payment in Cash only. Please keep cash (local currency) on hand at all times. |