Japanese Yen ¥ |
The official legal currency of Japan is the Yen (¥ ) |
Money Exchange (Cash) in Kyoto |
In Kyoto one can exchange currency at: Currency Exchange Counters at Kyoto Station : World Currency Shop located in the Kyoto Station building. Kyoto Currency Exchange counters Hours : In Kyoto, Private currency exchange counters open hours are usually: Currency Exchange Machines located in the Convenience Stores and attractions are usually open 24 hours. Department stores Currency Exchange are open during store hours including weekend and public holidays. Bank Business hours in Kyoto for currency exchange: |
Credit Cards in Kyoto |
Your credit card provides you with the absolute best exchange rate for purchases in Kyoto. Please check beforehand with your bank for additional fees before you decide to use your credit card. Major credit cards including Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted in Kyoto area establishments. |
ATMs in Kyoto |
Post Office or Seven Bank (in Seven-Eleven convenience stores) ATM machines allow cash withdrawal in local Yen ¥. One can use international credit cards like Visa/Plus and Mastercard/Cirrus on these ATMs in Kyoto. Please check with your bank for any additional fees for using your ATM card in a foreign country before you decide to use the ATM card. |
Traveller's Cheques |
Traveller's cheques are accepted by hotels, banks and Post Office in Japan. Traveler cheques may be subject to a fee. |
Tips for Currency in Kyoto |
Japan is still a cash society. Many places including taxi, small shops, and restaurants in Japan requires payment in Cash only. Please keep cash (local currency) on hand all times in Kyoto. Currency exchange machines usually have higher rate but open 24x7 in Kyoto. |
![]() | Private Highlights of Kyoto Tour - $102.27 In order to closely feel the local atmosphere of Kyoto, this tour will use public transportation so that you can experience the everyday life of Kyoto locals, unlike other tour groups hastily hopping from one location to another on chartered buses. During the 7-hour tour, your private guide will show you around the city covering four major must-see locations. There are two different courses: one northwest-bound and the other southeast-bound. If you participate in both tours, you can efficiently cover eight locations at a relaxing pace. |