New Taiwan Dollars |
The official legal currency of Taiwan is the New Taiwan Dollars (NTD or NT$) |
Money Exchange (Cash) | In Taiwan, one can exchange currency at banks, big shopping malls, or hotels. Few of Taoyuan Airport Currency Exchange counters are open 24 hours. In Taipei city, banks are usually open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Many Banks in Taipei will charge a flat NT$30.00 service fee which is very reasonable for changing currency in Taiwan. Malls in Taipei provide a convenient and fastest way to exchange currency in Taiwan. Inside Mall in Taipei, look for Tax Refund Center counter or Information counter as they provide Currency exchange services in Malls. Remember to bring your passport as ID is required for all currency exchanges in Taiwan. You can also buy New Taiwan Dollars (NT$) at home from your bank before getting on to the plane for Taipei. |
Credit Cards |
Your credit card provides you best exchange rate for purchases in Taiwan. Please check beforehand with your bank for additional fees for using your card in a foreign country before you use your credit card. Major credit cards including Visa and Mastercards are widely accepted in most Taipei area establishments. |
ATM machines allow cash withdrawal in local New Taiwan Dollars (NT$) using international credit cards like Visa/Plus and Mastercard/Cirrus. Please check with your bank for any additional fees for using your ATM card in a foreign country before you decide to use your ATM card. |
Traveller's Cheques |
Traveler's cheques are accepted by hotels, banks, and mall currency exchange counters in Taipei, Taiwan. Traveler cheques may be subject to a fee. |
Tip |
When leaving Taiwan, in case you have Taiwan Dollars (NT$), change all to US$ as it is difficult to exchange NT$ outside Taiwan, especially small bills. |
![]() | Ultimate Taipei Sightseeing Tour - $100.00 If you have just one day to spend in Taipei, this city sightseeing tour covers it all! A savvy local guide takes you to must-see attractions in Taiwan’s capital city, from the outstanding architectural feats of Taipei 101 to the elaborate Longshan Temple. You’ll stop by the Lin An Tai Historical House, the Grand Hotel, National Palace Museum, Shilin Night Market and the Beitou Hot Spring Museum to learn about the bubbling springs that make the thermal valley famous. Numbers are limited to 16 people, ensuring personalized attention from your guide. |