The Canadian Dollar |
The legal currency in Canada is the Canadian dollar (CAD or CA$). Canadian currency comes in both paper bills/notes and coins. There are currently five Canadian coins in circulation – nickel (5¢), dime (10¢), quarter (25¢), 'loonie' ($1 ) and 'toonie' ($2). The toonie has 2 colours--a silver rim around a gold-coloured centre, while the slightly smaller loonie are all gold-coloured. There is no longer a penny coin (1¢), so amounts are rounded up or down to the closest 5¢. Canadian Dollar denominations ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100) are all in different colours. Many smaller establishments might not take high denominations bill like $50 or $100 due to fear of counterfeits. |
Vancouver BC |
Usually airport, and hotels has worst rates and charges higher or in some cases exorbitant commission. Vancouver has many currency exchange counters in city areas like downtown, Granville Entertainment district and West Broadway . Few popular Vancouver Money Exchange Counters are : 1). Ice Currency Services - 1169 Robson St, Vancouver, BC V6E 1B5 (Vancouver Downtown) In Canada, you'll get the best money exchange rate at banks. If you are changing large amount of currency then it is worth checking few banks as every bank exchange rates and commission differs. You can also buy Canadian Dollars at home from your bank before getting on to the plane for Vancouver to get the good exchange rate. |
Credit cards |
Your credit card provides you with absolute best exchange rate for purchases in Canada. Please check beforehand with your bank for the additional fees on the top of exchange rate for using your card in foreign country. Visa and Master cards are widely accepted all over in the Greater Vancouver area establishments. |
ATM in Vancouver BC |
ATM machines are all over in Vancouver allows cash withdrawal in local CAD using international credits cards like Visa/Plus and Mastercard /Cirrus. |
Traveller cheques |
Traveller's cheques are accepted by hotels and most banks in Canada. Traveler cheques may be subject to a fee in Canada. |
US dollars in Canada |
USD is widely accepted in Canada in many private locations like Restaurants or small shops, however exchange rate might not be in your favour. |
![]() | Vancouver City Hop-on Hop-off Tour - $30.99 Explore Vancouver onboard clear-top buses and San Francisco-style Trolleys. With your choice of the CITY Route (15 stops), PARK Route (21 stops) or the DUAL Pass (29 stops), these flexible route options offers all the highlights of downtown Vancouver, including major attractions, and scenic points of interest. Choose to Hop-Off at any of the stops, and Hop-On again to continue the tour. |